Dawn 06:17   Dusk 21:04   Daylight length 14:47   Sunrise 06:44   Sunset 20:37   Day length 13:53  
Moonset 11:19   Moonrise 23:37   20 days old   73illuminated   Waning Gibbous  
Current Conditions:-

System Forecast:-
Cloud Base
75.5  °F
 -3.9  °F/hr
Today Yesterday
High  91.9 High  93.2
@ 16:45 @ 14:39
Low  72.9 Low  72.0
@ 00:36 @ 06:26
Apparent Temp
84.9  °F
Today Yesterday
High 103.9 High  106.3
@ 16:36 @ 14:43
Low 81.3 Low  80.5
@ 00:29 @ 06:26
30.11  in
 0.01  in/hr
Today Yesterday
High  30.20 High  30.21
@ 00:05 @ 09:37
Low  30.06 Low  30.11
@ 18:42 @ 16:43
Wind Speeds
Speed (10 min average)
1  mph
Gust (10 min average)
3  mph
Today's Highest Gust
10  mph @ 15:09
Wind Run 16.5 miles
Wind Speed
Wind Direction
Wind Rose
3.45  in
Rate now :  0.00 in/hr
High rate today :  0.30 in/hr
Last 24 hrs :  0.06 in
Yesterday :  0.48 in
Storm rain :  0.64 in
This month :  89.25 in
This year :  116.05 in
96 %
Today Yesterday
High  100 High  100
@ 01:50 @ 07:28
Low  61
@ 18:12
Low  61
@ 14:46
Dew Point
74.3 °F
Today Yesterday
High  79.8 High  80.5
@ 16:24 @ 15:02
Low  72.6
@ 00:36
Low  71.7
@ 05:48
Solar Rad,   Sun Hours,   UV
Radiation  0 W/m2
High 0  @ 00:00
Sunshine Hours  0.0
Bright Sun    --
(When 75% or more of estimate)
UV Index  0.0
High 0.0  @ 00:00

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